My Achievements

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Daily Learning Streak

The most important aspect of creating healthy learning habits is finding a schedule that works for you. We recommend setting aside 5-10 minutes every day to continually build your knowledge base. 

We’ll track every day you log in to Obi and reward you along the way with points and badges. But if you miss a day, your streak will start over. 

Use the drop down link below to view your current daily learning progress.

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Badge Icon


Badges are earned for completing actions on Obi. There are educational badges for completing quizzes, courses, certificates as well as social badges for interacting with the site and fellow vets. 

Each badge recognizes your desire to provide the highest quality of care possible to your patients. Wear and share them proudly.

Track your badge completion from the drop down menus below. 

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Five pointed star reflecting points


Points are earned for completing lessons and earning badges. Points are the quickest and most reliable indication of your learning experience on Obi, and soon you’ll be able to redeem points to unlock rewards including discounts on your next certificate.

Total points:

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Points this month:

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Points this week:

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Share Obi

[gamipress_social_share URL="" title=" " twitter="yes" twitter_pattern="Check out the RACE-approved veterinary microlearning on @obivet!" twitter_count_box="vertical" twitter_button_size="large" facebook="yes" facebook_action="like" facebook_button_layout="button" facebook_button_size="large" linkedin="yes" linkedin_counter="none" pinterest="no"]

Use the buttons above to share Obi on Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook. You’ll earn 150 points and the Sharing is Caring badge.